Why are mycoses more common in summer?

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- By New Equilibre
Les mycoses, des infections fongiques touchant la peau, les ongles ou les muqueuses, sont plus fréquentes en été. La chaleur, l’humidité et la transpiration créent un environnement idéal pour la prolifération des champignons. Voici un guide pour comprendre et prévenir les mycoses estivales.
What is a mycosis?
Mycoses are caused by fungi such as Candida or Dermatophytes. They can cause itching, redness and scaling. They often develop on moist areas of the body, such as the feet, groin and armpits.
Various factors favour fungal infections in summer
Plusieurs facteurs peuvent contribuer à la formation de mycoses durant l’été :
- Increased sweating : Heat increases perspiration, creating damp patches conducive to fungal infections.
- Tight-fitting and synthetic clothing : They retain moisture and encourage infection.
- Bathing and Humidity : Stagnant water in bathing suits and frequent use of swimming pools increase the risk.
- Wetlands : Changing rooms and public showers are fertile breeding grounds for fungi.
Prevent fungal infections in summer
Afin d’éviter d’attraper une mycose en été, voici quelques conseils de prévention :
- Hygiene : Wash and dry fungus-prone areas regularly.
- Clothing : Choose natural-fiber clothing and open-toe shoes.
- Avoid Walking Barefoot : In damp public places such as swimming pools.
- Change your swimsuit : After every swim, to avoid prolonged dampness.
When should a doctor be consulted about mycosis?
Si une mycose s’étend rapidement, devient très gênante, ou si elle affecte d’autres parties du corps comme les ongles ou le cuir chevelu, consultez un médecin. Les personnes diabétiques ou ayant des troubles circulatoires doivent être particulièrement vigilantes.
Fungal infections are unpleasant, but often preventable with simple hygiene measures and appropriate precautions. In summer, take extra care to keep your skin dry and clean, thus limiting the conditions favorable to the development of these fungal infections.

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