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the complete guide

Cruralgia, also known as crural neuralgia, is a painful condition that affects the crural nerve, causing sharp and sometimes disabling pain along the front of the thigh.

Cette affection peut être extrêmement inconfortable et limiter considérablement la mobilité des individus qui en souffrent. Dans cet article, nous explorerons en profondeur ce qu’est la cruralgie, ses symptômes, ses traitements et les meilleures pratiques pour la gestion de cette condition.


What is curalgia?

La cruralgie est une pathologie douloureuse résultant de l’irritation ou de la compression du nerf crural, également appelé nerf fémoral, qui va de la colonne vertébrale lombaire jusqu’au genou. Ce nerf est l’un des principaux nerfs de la jambe et provient des racines nerveuses de la colonne vertébrale lombaire, principalement des vertèbres L2 à L4.

La douleur est souvent décrite comme une sensation de brûlure, de picotement ou de décharge électrique, et elle peut varier en intensité selon les individus. Certains peuvent ressentir une douleur intermittente légère, tandis que d’autres peuvent éprouver une douleur intense et constante qui limite considérablement leurs activités quotidiennes.

Where does cruralgia pain occur?

La douleur de la cruralgie se situe principalement le long de la face antérieure de la cuisse, descendant parfois jusqu’au genou voire au pied. Elle peut également irradier dans la région inguinale ou vers le bas du dos, en fonction de la gravité de l’affection et de la localisation spécifique de la compression ou de l’irritation du nerf crural.

En résumé, la douleur de la cruralgie se concentre généralement le long du trajet du nerf crural, de la colonne vertébrale lombaire jusqu’au genou, et peut s’étendre dans différentes directions en fonction de la sévérité et de la localisation de la compression nerveuse.

What's the difference between the crural nerve and the sciatic nerve?

Le nerf crural et le nerf sciatique sont deux nerfs distincts qui font partie du système nerveux périphérique et qui jouent des rôles différents dans l’innervation et le contrôle des muscles et des sensations dans les membres inférieurs. Voici les principales différences entre ces deux nerfs :

Anatomical path :
- The crural nerve originates from the nerve roots of the lumbar spinal cord, mainly at levels L2 to L4, and crosses the pelvis before descending along the anterior aspect of the thigh.
- The sciatic nerve originates from the nerve roots of the sacral spinal cord, mainly at levels L4 to S3, and crosses the lower back, buttocks and posterior thigh, dividing into branches that innervate the leg and foot.

Innervated zone :
- The crural nerve innervates mainly the thigh (quadriceps) and hip muscles, as well as the skin of the anterior thigh.
- The sciatic nerve innervates most leg muscles, including the thigh muscles, the muscles of the hind leg and the muscles of the foot and toes, as well as the skin of the leg, foot and toes.

Function and feel :
- The crural nerve mainly controls hip and knee movements, as well as sensation in the anterior thigh region.
- The sciatic nerve controls movement of the thigh, leg and foot muscles, as well as sensation in most of the leg, foot and toes.

Associated conditions :
– La compression ou l’irritation du nerf crural peut entraîner une condition appelée cruralgie, caractérisée par une douleur le long de la face antérieure de la cuisse.
– La compression ou l’irritation du nerf sciatique peut entraîner une condition appelée sciatique, caractérisée par une douleur qui descend le long de la face postérieure de la cuisse et de la jambe, parfois jusqu’au pied.

Bien que le nerf crural et le nerf sciatique soient tous deux des nerfs importants qui contrôlent les mouvements et les sensations dans les membres inférieurs, ils diffèrent par leur trajet anatomique, la zone qu’ils innervent et les symptômes associés à leur compression ou leur irritation.

What are the symptoms of cruralgia?

Les symptômes d’une cruralgie peuvent varier d’une personne à l’autre en fonction de la gravité de la compression ou de l’irritation du nerf crural. Cependant, voici les symptômes les plus courants associés à cette pathologie :

  1. Pain along the thigh: Pain is the most characteristic symptom of cruralgia. It is generally felt along the front of the thigh, but can also radiate to the knee or even the foot. Pain can be described as throbbing, burning, electric or stinging.

  2. Sensation of tingling or numbness: Individuals with cruralgia may experience sensations of tingling or numbness along the course of the crural nerve, particularly in the thigh, knee and sometimes foot.

  3. Muscle weakness: Severe cruralgia can lead to muscle weakness in the affected leg. Muscles innervated by the crural nerve, such as the quadriceps, may become less effective, leading to difficulty walking or maintaining stability.

  4. Pain aggravated by certain positions: Cruralgia pain can be exacerbated by certain positions or movements, including prolonged sitting, bending the trunk forward, or sudden movements such as coughing or sneezing.

  5. Increased pain at night: Some individuals may experience increased pain at night, which can disrupt sleep and lead to poor sleep quality.

Il est important de noter que les symptômes de la cruralgie peuvent varier en intensité et en fréquence selon chaque personne, et peuvent être exacerbés par des facteurs tels que l’activité physique, le stress ou les postures incorrectes.

Orthopedic insoles to relieve cruralgia :

The orthopedic insoles peuvent être une option très efficace pour soulager la cruralgie. C’est pourquoi nous avons créé un modèle de semelles spécifique à cette pathologie, offrant un soutien plantaire et aidant à corriger les déséquilibres posturaux, soulageant ainsi rapidement la douleur.

  1. Posture correction: Orthopedic insoles are designed to correctly support the arch of the foot and maintain optimal body posture. By correcting postural imbalances, they reduce pressure on the spine and crural nerve, helping to relieve the pain associated with cruralgia.

  2. Reducing Muscle Tension: Orthopedic insoles help distribute body weight evenly over the feet, which can reduce muscle tension in the legs, hips and lower back. By reducing muscle tension, they help relieve the pain and discomfort associated with cruralgia.

  3. Walking Stabilization: Orthopedic insoles stabilize walking by providing extra support to the feet and reducing excessive foot and ankle movement. A more stable gait can reduce stress on the spine and crural nerve.

  4. Shock absorption: Made from shock-absorbing materials, orthopedic insoles absorb shocks and reduce pressure on feet and joints. This can be particularly beneficial for cruralgia sufferers, reducing the impact of daily activities on the crural nerve.


New Equilibre, Made in France insoles

Treatments for huralgia

For the treatment of cruralgia, there are both natural and medicated approaches that can help relieve pain and improve functionality. Here's a detailed list of natural and medicated treatments for cruralgia:

Natural treatments :

  1. Stretching exercises: Regular stretching can help loosen tight muscles around the crural nerve and reduce nerve compression. Stretches targeting the muscles of the hip, thigh and lower back can be particularly beneficial.

  2. Muscle strengthening: Strengthening core, hip and leg muscles can help stabilize the spine and reduce pressure on the crural nerve. Exercises such as squats, lunges and bridge exercises can help.

  3. Yoga and Pilates: These disciplines focus on posture, flexibility and muscle strengthening, which can help relieve pain and prevent cruralgia relapses.

  4. Acupuncture: Some studies suggest that acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine practice involving the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body, may be effective in relieving pain associated with cruralgia.

  5. Therapeutic massage: Massage can help relax tight muscles, improve blood circulation and reduce pain associated with cruralgia. Gentle massage of the hip, thigh and lower back muscles can be beneficial.

Medicinal treatments

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): Medications such as ibuprofen, naproxen and diclofenac can help reduce inflammation around the crural nerve and relieve the pain associated with cruralgia.

  2. Analgesics: Medications such as paracetamol can be used to relieve the mild to moderate pain associated with cruralgia.

  3. Muscle relaxants: Muscle relaxants such as cyclobenzaprine can be prescribed to help relax tense muscles and relieve muscle spasms associated with cruralgia.

  4. Corticosteroids: Corticosteroid injections can be administered to the area around the crural nerve to reduce inflammation and relieve pain associated with cruralgia, particularly if other treatments are not effective.

  5. Opioid analgesics: In cases of severe cruralgia resistant to other treatments, opioid analgesics such as codeine or morphine may be prescribed to relieve pain. However, they are generally used with caution, due to the risk of dependence and side effects.

New Equilibre insoles have been tested and approved by thousands of users. Their effectiveness is clinically proven. It's easy to order your insoles exclusively from our online store, and regain the comfort your feet deserve.
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Découvrez notre article « How can orthotics relieve cruralgia? » pour mieux comprendre leur rôle dans le traitement de cette pathologie.

Is it okay to walk with cruralgia?

Marcher peut être bénéfique pour certaines personnes souffrant de cruralgie, mais cela dépend de la gravité des symptômes et de la tolérance individuelle à l’activité physique. Voici quelques points à considérer concernant la marche et la cruralgie :

  1. Improved blood circulation: Regular walking can promote blood circulation in the legs, which can help reduce inflammation and relieve pain associated with cruralgia.

  2. Healing stimulation: Light activity, such as walking, can stimulate healing by encouraging blood flow to the affected area, which can promote recovery of damaged tissue.

  3. Mobility maintenance: Walking can help maintain joint and muscle mobility, which can prevent the stiffness and muscle atrophy associated with prolonged inactivity.

  4. Muscle strengthening: Regular walking can help strengthen leg and hip muscles, which can improve stability and reduce the risk of future injury.

However, it's important to note that walking may not be recommended in all cases of cruralgia, especially when pain is severe or incapacitating. Here are some important considerations:

  • Pain: If walking aggravates pain or causes excessive discomfort, it's best to limit physical activity and rest until the pain subsides.

  • Limitations: Some people may experience increased pain when walking on hard or uneven surfaces. In this case, it may be helpful to walk on softer, flatter surfaces, such as grass or carpet.

  • Medical consultation: Before starting an exercise program, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice based on symptom severity and general health.

En résumé, la marche peut être bénéfique pour certaines personnes souffrant de cruralgie en favorisant la circulation sanguine, en stimulant la guérison, en maintenant la mobilité et en renforçant les muscles. Cependant, il est important de respecter ses limites et de consulter un professionnel de la santé avant de commencer tout programme d’exercice, en particulier si la douleur est sévère ou persistante.

What sports can I do with cruralgia?

Lorsque l’on souffre de cruralgie, il est essentiel de choisir des activités physiques qui ne exacerbent pas les symptômes et qui contribuent à renforcer les muscles, à améliorer la flexibilité et à favoriser la circulation sanguine sans mettre une pression excessive sur le nerf crural. Voici quelques exemples de sports et d’exercices qui peuvent être bénéfiques pour les personnes souffrant de cruralgie :

  1. Swimming: Swimming is a low-impact activity that strengthens muscles throughout the body without putting pressure on joints. The fluid movements in the water can help improve flexibility and relieve the pain associated with cruralgia.

  2. Cycling: Cycling on a stationary or adapted bicycle can be a good option for cruralgia sufferers, as it provides cardiovascular exercise without excessive impact on the joints.

  3. Yoga: Yoga can help strengthen muscles, improve flexibility and promote relaxation. Yoga poses that focus on stretching the muscles of the hip, thigh and lower back can be particularly beneficial for cruralgia sufferers.

  4. Pilates: Pilates is a form of exercise that focuses on strengthening the deep muscles of the core, hips and legs while improving stability and posture. Pilates exercises can help relieve the pain associated with cruralgia by strengthening the muscles that support the spine.

  5. Nordic walking: Nordic walking involves the use of special walking poles that help strengthen the arms and stabilize the body while walking. This activity can benefit cruralgia sufferers by providing cardiovascular exercise while relieving pressure on the joints.

Il est important de choisir des activités qui conviennent à votre niveau de condition physique et qui ne provoquent pas de douleur ou d’inconfort excessif.

How long does cruralgia last?

La durée d’une cruralgie peut varier considérablement d’une personne à l’autre en fonction de plusieurs facteurs, notamment la cause sous-jacente, la gravité des symptômes, les traitements reçus et la réponse individuelle au traitement. En général, la cruralgie peut être classée en deux catégories en termes de durée :

  1. Acute cruralgia: Acute cruralgia is a short-term form of cruralgia that usually lasts a few weeks to a few months. It is often caused by temporary irritation or compression of the crural nerve, e.g. due to sudden movement, trauma or transient inflammation. Most cases of acute cruralgia respond well to rest, medical treatment and physiotherapy, and symptoms may disappear once the underlying cause is treated.

  2. Chronic cruralgia: Chronic cruralgia is a form of cruralgia that persists for several months or even years. It may be caused by underlying health problems such as herniated discs, nerve damage or degenerative diseases of the spine. Chronic cruralgia can be more difficult to treat and may require long-term pain management, including medication, physical therapy, injections and possibly surgery.

Il est important de noter que chaque cas de cruralgie est unique, et la durée de l’affection peut être influencée par des facteurs individuels tels que l’âge, le mode de vie, l’état de santé général et la présence de conditions médicales préexistantes.

What sleeping position for cruralgia?

Lorsque l’on souffre de cruralgie, trouver une position de sommeil confortable peut être un défi, car la pression exercée sur le nerf crural peut aggraver la douleur pendant la nuit. Cependant, certaines positions de sommeil peuvent aider à soulager la pression sur le nerf et à réduire l’inconfort associé à la cruralgie. Voici quelques conseils pour trouver une position de sommeil plus confortable lorsque l’on a une cruralgie :

  1. Position on the back with a pillow under the knees: This position can help keep the spine in a neutral position and reduce pressure on the crural nerve. Place a pillow under the knees to support the legs and reduce tension in the lumbar region.

  2. Side position with knees slightly bent: If you prefer to sleep on your side, try placing a pillow between the knees to keep the spine aligned and reduce pressure on the crural nerve. Keep your knees slightly bent to avoid compressing the nerve.

  3. Avoid sleeping on your stomach: The stomach sleeping position can put excessive pressure on the spine and aggravate cruralgia pain. It's best to avoid this position if you suffer from cruralgia.

  4. Use pillows to support the back: If you're struggling to find a comfortable position, you can use extra pillows to support the lower back and reduce pressure on the spine. Try out different pillow configurations until you find what works best for you.

  5. Try alternative sleeping positions: Some people find relief by using alternative sleeping positions such as the semi-fetal position, where the legs are slightly bent upwards and towards the chest. Experiment with different positions until you find the one that suits you best.

In addition to finding a comfortable sleeping position, it's also important to maintain good sleep hygiene by avoiding stimulating activities before bedtime, creating a sleep-friendly environment and maintaining regular sleep schedules. If pain persists despite these measures, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional for further advice and treatment.

Movements to avoid with cruralgia

Lorsque l’on souffre de cruralgie, certains mouvements peuvent aggraver la douleur en exerçant une pression supplémentaire sur le nerf crural ou en comprimant la colonne vertébrale. Voici quelques mouvements à éviter si vous avez une cruralgie :

  1. Excessive forward bending: Movements that involve excessive forward bending of the trunk, such as bending over to pick up a heavy object or touching your toes, can compress the spine and aggravate cruralgia pain.

  2. Lifting heavy objects: Lifting heavy objects by positioning the weight on the lower back instead of the legs can put excessive pressure on the spine and increase compression of the crural nerve.

  3. Twisting the spine: Movements that involve excessive twisting of the spine, such as turning the upper body while keeping the hips fixed, can aggravate cruralgia pain by exacerbating crural nerve compression.

  4. Wearing high heels: Wearing high heels can alter posture and body weight distribution, which can put extra pressure on the spine and aggravate cruralgia pain.

  5. High-impact activities: High-impact activities such as running, jumping or contact sports can aggravate cruralgia pain by increasing pressure on the spine and crural nerve.

  6. Prolonged sitting: Sitting for long periods can put excessive pressure on the spine and aggravate cruralgia pain. It's important to take frequent breaks to stand up, stretch and change position.

  7. Sudden movements: Sudden movements such as sudden body twists, unexpected lifting movements or falls can cause cruralgia pain to worsen by compressing the crural nerve or irritating surrounding structures.

By avoiding these movements and adopting proper lifting techniques, you can reduce pressure on the spine and crural nerve, which can help relieve pain and prevent exacerbations of cruralgia.

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New Equilibre

Healthcare professionals specializing in the manufacture of orthopedic insoles for over 30 years. Clinically proven expertise with thousands of New Equilibre users and patients in orthopedic practices.

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        New Equilibre

        Semelles orthopédiques haute technologie, élaborées par des orthopédistes Français,
        qui ont nécessitées +35 ans de recherches et de tests en cabinet.

        Made in France
        Fabrication Française

        New Equilibre's orthopedic insoles are a subsidiary of Forlini Orthopédie. They adapt to all morphologies, flat or hollow feet, valgus or varus feet, and to all types of footwear, for the city, for work and for sport.

        Système musculo-tendineux soulagé

        The concept is based on thermoformed insoles molded onto perfectly balanced, physiological foot modules. So when your feet rest on New Equilibre orthopedic insoles, your whole posture is stabilized.

        La forme moulée des semelles New Equilibre augmente les zones portantes de vos pieds sur le sol, et repartie vos charges corporelles sur une plus grande surface. Toutes les zones de votre pied sont ainsi en appuis sur la semelle et c’est ce soutien maximum qui soulage toutes vos douleurs plantaires et de l’ensemble de votre rachis.

        Gain de stabilité

        Les semelles orthopédiques New Equilibre stabilisent votre arrière pied grâce à leurs anneaux talonnier incorporés à l’arrière de la semelle. Elles stabilisent également votre medio-pied grâce aux soutiens des voûtes plantaires internes et externes et antérieur. Enfin, elles répartissent harmonieusement les charges sur votre palette métatarsienne. L’avant pied est lui aussi plus stable, favorisant ainsi une excellente propulsion du pied.

        It's very important to realize that our feet support our entire skeleton within a few square centimetres.
        Les semelles New Equilibre permettent à votre corps de retrouver l’équilibre qui lui fait défaut.

        Articulations au repos

        With the foot stabilized, the ankle, knee, hip and spine are relieved of stress.

        Spreading your body's weight over a larger surface area reduces the fatigue of muscles and tendons. This increases their capacity for recovery and facilitates good performance by all musculo-tendinous groups.

        Guide des Tailles

        Pour faciliter votre choix de pointure, nous vous conseillons de retirer la semelle amovible d’origine de vos chaussures, et de la mesurer du talon à la pointe.

        Ensuite, comparez la dimension de votre semelle d’origine avec la Insole size New Equilibre via le tableau ci-dessous. Sélectionnez ensuite la pointure correspondante lors de votre commande.

        Guide des Tailles


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