Qu'est-ce qu'une Crampe?

Muscle cramps are involuntary, often painful, muscle contractions that occur suddenly. Although common, they can be disconcerting and disruptive. We're going to explore this phenomenon in detail, examining its potential causes and proposing solutions to relieve these unpleasant contractions. Understanding cramps is essential for those seeking to prevent and manage these troublesome episodes.

Definition of a Cramp :

A muscle cramp is a sudden, intense contraction of a muscle, often accompanied by pain. It can occur anywhere in the body, but the muscles most commonly affected are those of the legs, feet, calves and thighs. Cramps can vary in duration, from a few seconds to several minutes, and can leave a feeling of stiffness after they have disappeared.

Crampes musculaire

Causes des Crampes :

  • Dehydration: Lack of adequate hydration can cause electrolyte imbalance, which can trigger muscle cramps.
  • Muscle overuse : Intense or prolonged physical effort can tire muscles, increasing the risk of cramps.
  • Lack of Minerals : Deficiencies in minerals such as potassium, magnesium and calcium can contribute to muscle cramps.
  • Bad stretching : Inadequate stretching or failure to warm up before exercise can predispose you to cramps.
  • Medical factors : Certain medical conditions, such as neurological disorders, vascular problems or hormonal imbalances, can be associated with cramps.
  • Medication : Certains médicaments, comme les diurétiques ou les statines, peuvent augmenter le risque de crampes.

Solutions and Prevention for Cramps :

  • Adequate hydration : Drinking enough water throughout the day can help prevent dehydration-related cramps.
  • Regular stretching : Incorporating stretching into your daily routine and before exercise can prevent muscle cramps.
  • Balanced diet : Eat mineral-rich foods such as bananas (potassium), nuts (magnesium) and dairy products (calcium).
  • Moderate physical activity : Avoid muscle overload by adopting a progressive exercise program and listening to your body.
  • Stress management : Excessive stress can contribute to cramps, so relaxation techniques can be beneficial.
  • Suppléments : If your doctor recommends it, mineral supplements can be taken to prevent deficiencies.
  • Pre-exercise warm-up : A proper warm-up before physical activity can prepare muscles for exertion and reduce the risk of cramps.
  • Rest and massage : In the event of cramps, rest, gentle stretching and massage of the affected area can relieve the pain.

Muscle cramps can occur at any time, but an understanding of their causes and preventive measures can help minimize their impact. If you suffer from frequent cramps, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying conditions. By taking a proactive approach, you can prevent cramps, improve your muscular well-being and maintain an optimal quality of life.

How do orthopaedic insoles help with cramps?

Cramps are mainly triggered by intense or unusual physical effort. Poor posture, incorrect movements and poor support can all lead to cramps more quickly during physical effort. The use of orthopedic insoles can prevent this pathology by reducing parasitic muscular tension.

Discover all New Equilibre insoles on our online store:



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New Equilibre

Professionals specializing in the manufacture of orthopedic insoles for over 30 years. Quality-certified expertise in the field of foot health, based on the analysis of thousands of patients in practice.

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        New Equilibre

        Semelles orthopédiques haute technologie, élaborées par des orthopédistes Français,
        qui ont nécessitées +35 ans de recherches et de tests en cabinet.

        Made in France
        Fabrication Française

        New Equilibre's orthopedic insoles are a subsidiary of Forlini Orthopédie. They adapt to all morphologies, flat or hollow feet, valgus or varus feet, and to all types of footwear, for the city, for work and for sport.

        Système musculo-tendineux soulagé

        The concept is based on thermoformed insoles molded onto perfectly balanced, physiological foot modules. So when your feet rest on New Equilibre orthopedic insoles, your whole posture is stabilized.

        La forme moulée des semelles New Equilibre augmente les zones portantes de vos pieds sur le sol, et repartie vos charges corporelles sur une plus grande surface. Toutes les zones de votre pied sont ainsi en appuis sur la semelle et c’est ce soutien maximum qui soulage toutes vos douleurs plantaires et de l’ensemble de votre rachis.

        Gain de stabilité

        Les semelles orthopédiques New Equilibre stabilisent votre arrière pied grâce à leurs anneaux talonnier incorporés à l’arrière de la semelle. Elles stabilisent également votre medio-pied grâce aux soutiens des voûtes plantaires internes et externes et antérieur. Enfin, elles répartissent harmonieusement les charges sur votre palette métatarsienne. L’avant pied est lui aussi plus stable, favorisant ainsi une excellente propulsion du pied.

        It's very important to realize that our feet support our entire skeleton within a few square centimetres.
        Les semelles New Equilibre permettent à votre corps de retrouver l’équilibre qui lui fait défaut.

        Articulations au repos

        With the foot stabilized, the ankle, knee, hip and spine are relieved of stress.

        Spreading your body's weight over a larger surface area reduces the fatigue of muscles and tendons. This increases their capacity for recovery and facilitates good performance by all musculo-tendinous groups.

        Guide des Tailles

        Pour faciliter votre choix de pointure, nous vous conseillons de retirer la semelle amovible d’origine de vos chaussures, et de la mesurer du talon à la pointe.

        Ensuite, comparez la dimension de votre semelle d’origine avec la Insole size New Equilibre via le tableau ci-dessous. Sélectionnez ensuite la pointure correspondante lors de votre commande.

        Guide des Tailles


        La livraison gratuite est disponible pour toutes les commandes à destination de la France Métropolitaine passées depuis NewEquilibre.com. La livraison gratuite est effectuée en 72H.

        Tarifs des livraisons :

        France Métropolitaine :
        Shipping charges apply depending on the type of delivery selected:
        Livraison en 72H – GRATUITE
        Livraison en 48H – COLISSIMO (Dépôt en boite aux lettres) – 8,00 €
        Livraison en 24H – CHRONOPOST – (Remise en main propre contre signature) – 21,00 €

        En dehors de la France Métropolitaine :
        To OVERSEAS (COLISSIMO - Letterbox delivery) - €9.50 to €12.50
        Vers INTERNATIONAL (COLISSIMO – Dépôt en boite aux lettres) – 25,00 € à 32,50 €

        For orders over €100.00, a signature may be required on delivery.

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